Thursday, August 24, 2006


集合时间是在8月18日早上7点。我们在练唱室做完勤行后便陆陆续续换上崭新的RC T-Shirt,穿上新衣后整体队伍也给人焕然一新的感觉。过后我们于大约早上8点乘搭已包租的巴士南下到新加坡去。

我们这次参加的比赛为《第一届新加坡国际华文合唱比赛》。这是RC第一次出国,也是第一次参加国际合唱比赛,所以大家都显得额外兴奋。半路上我们也不敢马虎,吴老师尽量争取时间让我们在巴士上开声和练唱比赛歌曲。我们大约上午10点半在永平吃午餐,然后在大约下午1点多入境新加坡。入境后我们便直奔比赛地点进行彩排练习。我们比赛地点为新加坡华乐音乐厅(singapore Conference Hall),是一间设备齐全的音乐演奏厅。我们在舞台上彩排的时间只有短短的15分钟,所以大家都尽量争取时间适应场地。排练完毕后,我们便往附近的老巴刹小贩中心去医肚子。

大队随后便到我们将下榻Summer Tavern宿舍去check in。宿舍设备有点简陋,冷气也不冷,但胜在够便宜,附近景点也很多。我们休息到傍晚大约7点后,便到楼下的女宿舍唱题,和聆听指导。晚上是休闲时间,导游把我们载到牛车水附近让我们去逛逛。只可惜时间不多,只能打包晚餐在巴士上吃。回到宿舍后,本当应该是约好在大厅练歌的,但最后在宿舍老板的催促下我们唱完一首接一首,大家都唱得非常投入和开心。

8月19日一早,我们继续前往牛车水区购物,但在大伙建议下,我们一小队人马打算乘地铁到乌节路逛逛。吃过午饭后,才发觉和刚才一起前来的大队走散了,我们四人小队唯有继续逛,直到集合时间为止。大队过后前往新加坡合唱协会的大本营,位于TAPAC (Teluk Ayer Performing Arts Centre)的练唱室练唱。完毕后便回宿舍准备冲凉、化妆和换衣服,以便应付晚上的比赛。




8月20日一早,我们被告知将和新加坡创价合唱团进行历史性的第一次交流。他们的指挥胡小姐特地来带领我们到他们平时练唱的会馆去,也亏她的细心安排和坚持才能促成这次的交流会。会馆位于Teluk Blangah区,是新加坡创价学会7间会馆中的第2间。合唱团的团员们一早便到场欢迎我们,而且都非常热情和亲切。做了早上勤行之后,交流会便正式开始了。我们先互相派代表讲体验,然后互相唱比赛歌曲,轮流的进行合唱表演。他们唱得相当好,而且女声也相当成熟。整个交流会的演唱都非常轻松自在,完全没有昨晚比赛时的那样紧张。我们在大合照后结束这次的交流会,并约定以后的合作计划。过后他们还请我们吃午餐,也乘机和其他团员进行更详细的交流。在大约中午2点半出境离开新加坡后,我们于大约晚上8点回到焦赖文化会馆。


Our first oversea trip.

Chanting before leaving

Everyone still looks sleepy, Kok Cheng is our 长老 for this trip.

Practice singing inside the bus.

Lunch in Yong Peng

RC having lunch in Yong Peng before entering Singapore.

Our vocal director

Group photos before refersal

Chinese history class with the expert

Group photos in the waiting room before refersal

Practicing in the waiting room

Rehearsing on stage

The big team walking out in style

Having lunch in hawker centre

Chanting and sharing in the female's dormitory

Where we stay - Summer Tavern, Carpenter Street

Having fun in the lounge area

The mighty bass

The Altos

The Sopranos

Group photos

RC in the MRT

Visiting Ochard road

Practicing in TAPAC

Practicing in TAPAC

Practicing in a studio inside TAPAC

Make-up before the competition, sorry i have to do some cencorship

The concert hall where we are competing

Relaxing before the competition

Relaxing before the competition - playing with the mirror

Relaxing before the competition - playing with the mirror again

Our girls posting with teacher

Our girls displaying confidence

Our sopranos

Posting for the camera right before entering the performance hall

All the underage suspecting doing illegal activities

After the result is announced, everyone looks happy

As if we have conquered Singapore

Supper celebration after the competition

We are warmly welcomed by the Soka Chorus of SSA

Doing morning gongyo together

Our turn to sing during the exchange

The Soka Chorus doing a wonderful presentation

They look smart aren't they?

RC enjoying the Soka Chorus performance

A historical group picture

Lunch while having exchange

Good bye, we shall meet again

Don't know what to say...


At 11:36 am, August 24, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 2:21 pm, August 24, 2006, Blogger dream305 said...

chunghan, our mighty base! nice blog you have. and i saw my favorite picture with the caption "don't know what to say". can i have it? muahahaha...

At 5:27 pm, August 24, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey chung han, thanks for all the photos ! unfortunately i dont understand about ur narration on the trip.. hehe..
the last photo is the bomb! hehehe =p


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