谢谢Clive的技术帮忙! 谢谢Avenue One Studio的工作人员,谢谢算我们那么便宜的价钱!
Harmony in Diversity Studio Recording version 2006
Published by: Soka Gakkai Malaysia Produced by: Eddy Chia Composed by: Chai Chung Han Lyrics by: Chai Chung Han & Nicholas Leong Arranged by: Tok Khon Performed by: Renaissance Choir 2 Copyright Soka Gakkai Malaysia 2005 & 2006 All Rights Reserved
Living in a world, filled with miracles
With different faces, different thoughts
But we share a common bond
With blessings in our heart
And passion in our soul
We march on hand in hand
To reach our final goal
One united voice, united vision
A marvelous chord, a clearer sight
It's a perfect creation
Let our glories be shared
Let the borders disappear
With faith and wisdom in our lives
We have nothing to fear
We were bound by diversities
But we will sing in harmony
For dreams, for love, for peace, for humanity
Open up your heart and sing
Let our friendship spread its wing
Soaring the eternal skies of endless spring
We are unique in diversities
But we can sing in harmony
We help, we care, we share our love in sincerity
Pray together in a rhythm
For happiness and freedom
Together, we will make this a glorious world
Although there's high and low
Although it's hard to learn
We plan each step and set our goals
To bridge two different worlds
Let the mountains made low
Let the valleys be sewed
We cry a single voice for peace, in eternity it echoes
虽然只是几天忙得没时间上网,可是却感觉好像很久没有发帖了。总有好多东西想写可是有没有时间。所以现在打算写些简化点的,索性来个长文缩短,大概大概总结这一两个星期来的事件。不写不爽,写了至少能给自己交代。有人在我的comment中流了一句'Life is so beautiful being recorded',我也觉得如此。